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Choosing the Right WordPress Theme for Your Business 

Choosing the best WordPress theme could be a make or break for your business. WordPress repository has thousands of free themes for varieties of purposes. While a free theme would be perfect for a budget-minded business, in most cases a premium (paid) theme would make the most sense because of a developer support. 

WordPress is very easy to use, and you can build a simple website for your business or profit organization without a simple line of code. The themes allow users to customize their websites with ease and confidence.

WordPress is so popular that nearly a quarter of the world’s websites now use it for purposes that range from small personal blogs to complex business; Disney Corporation, the New York Post, CNN, and Time Inc use it for their websites.

Regardless of the purpose of your website, you need a WordPress theme that is secure, good on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), fast-loading, and easy to set up. Therefore, this article shows a few low-budget ways to promote your business online with a specific WordPress theme. 


COVID-19 pandemic has taught the world so much that for businesses to thrive in this digital age, it is very important that they embrace a virtual or online presence. But building a website could use to be expensive but the advent of WordPress is bringing down the cost so you can begin to showcase your business online at a ridiculously low budget. While you obviously need a website to sell our products or services, there are thousands WordPress themes that will allow you to set up a website on a budget. The free WooCommerce plugin integration with WordPress has made it extremely easier to list your product and services. The premium plugin is great if you need more features but for small businesses with low budget, the free WooCommerce plugin will be sufficient.

Feminine focused

Did you know that women own 42% of all companies in the U.S?  Oftentimes in your business plan or decision, you might choose a feminine WordPress theme because you want the look-and-feel of your website to reflect your personality. You could also just want a softer web design with a girlie look that appeals to the female segment of your business, and you don’t want to alienate any potential readers or web visitors. Hence, a feminine WordPress themes could help boost your readers and potential customers!

Regardless the reason for looking for a feminine or girlie WordPress theme, there are thousands of high quality free and premium themes to choose from. The ultimate is to appeal to the overall segment that provides benefits to your business.


WordPress was originally designed for bloggers back in 2003 by Mike Little and Mike Mullenweg. Their goal was to make publishing blog posts easy for both non-tech users and those with experience in web development and design. While in 2022 WordPress has far exceeded that original goal, the blogging feature remains robust and still easy to use by non-techie bloggers. Although, many business websites using WordPress combined ecommerce with blogging to promote their businesses, the WordPress content management system (CMS), is still structured around blogging in the form of posts and pages.


Showcasing portfolios on websites used to be complicated by using professional developers to create website. Today, you can choose a low-budget or free WordPress theme to display your portfolio in the way that meets your personality or professional need.  For instance, a photographer might want a theme that puts a lot of emphasis on the aesthetics of their website. At the same time, a chef might be looking for a WordPress theme that features photos of his/her recipes. 

As noted above, you don’t need a complicated an expensive set up to display your portfolio online. Unless you want to display additional information, a one-page or squeeze page will be sufficient. This will be the only landing page visitors will see that will show your work and contact information. You get more bangs for your buck with a one-page website: easy to set up, low or maintenance, and fast loading.

Non-profit organizations

The main goal of most nonprofit organization is to make the world better, and oftentimes this is not an easy task. But creating a website for nonprofit organizations is getting easier with the right WordPress theme. You can find a powerful ready-made theme for your organization or foundation. 

If you are choosing a word press theme for a nonprofit organization you should consider a theme with donation integration and compatibility with a popular payment gateway to make it easy for people to donate for your cause. Similarly, you need a theme that can easily be set and at the same time reflects the cause of your organization. 

In Summary

In summary, choosing the right WordPress theme for your business or organization will go a long way to increase your bottom line or donation. Some WordPress themes are free while others not. The most important thing is to choose a theme is secure, fast loading, easy to customize, and reflects your personality.  Do you have any other use for a WordPress theme?

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