Terms and Conditions of Web Design Referral Program


We are excited that you are choosing to participate in our web design referral program. You (“the referrer”) participation in and use of this program is strictly subject to the DJ WebDesigns terms and conditions. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at any time.

These Terms and Conditions are entered into by the referrer, the person or business (“the referral”), and DJ WebDesigns. DJ WebDesigns is a Website Design services based in Clifton Park, NY and whose sole purpose is to create quality, professional WordPress websites at affordable prices.

Acceptance and Termination

We reserve the right to terminate your participation in the program at any time for any reason or no reason, upon written notice to the referrer. Any written notices required or permitted to be given by DJ WebDesigns hereunder may be delivered by email. By participating in the program, the referrer consent to delivery of all program-related notices and information by email to the email address the referrer had registered with and acknowledge that the referrer has the necessary equipment (hardware and software) to receive such emails.

When the referrer refers a person or a business to DJ WebDesigns, the referrer agrees to and affirm the follow:

  • You are over the age of 18;
  • You are a current resident of the United States;
  • The referral informed you they are interested in a web design for their products or services;
  • You agree to not hold DJ WebDesigns responsible for any loss, damages, or legal proceedings as a result of this program;
  • That DJ WebDesigns makes no promises nor guarantees to the referral becoming clients;
  • That to be eligible for a reward, the referral has submitted a signed contract agreement with DJ WebDesigns, and had paid DJ WebDesigns a non-refundable 50% deposit toward the total cost of the web design project. The referrer will only be eligible to receive the reward ONLY after these terms have been met;
  • The referrer can refer as many clients as they want and if they each buy a website you will be paid 10% of our cost for each website.

Exclusion to this Web Designs Referral Program 

  • DJ WebDesigns will not accept referrals from businesses or persons located outside the United States.

Opening a hosting account, email marketing, domain, or any other services If the customer purchases additional websites are not eligible under this program.

Refer Now!